Testing instructionsOpen on GitHub

When contributing new `ports’ it’s important to test on different OSs and distributions.

Alpine Linux, Debian, Ubuntu

Convenience Docker Images have been setup here https://github.com/SamuelMarks/libscript-docker-images


(see repo for how to setup ssh keys or alternative password solution)

[optional] Modify your ~/.ssh/config with:

Host alpine321
    Port 2222
    User root
    PreferredAuthentications publickey
    PubkeyAuthentication yes
    PasswordAuthentication no
    ServerAliveInterval 10
    IdentityFile /tmp/.ssh/id_rsa

Then execute:

$ docker run --name alpine-server-3-2-1 \
    -p 2222:22 \
    -e USER_PASSWORD='null' \
    -e USER_PUBKEY="$(cat -- /tmp.ssh/id_rsa.pub)" \
$ # remove previous ssh host verification with
$ ssh-keygen -R '[]:2222'
$ ssh alpine321 cat /etc/os-release
NAME="Alpine Linux"
PRETTY_NAME="Alpine Linux v3.21"

Now to actually test you can do something like:

$ export LIBSCRIPT_ROOT_DIR="${LIBSCRIPT_ROOT_DIR:-/path/to/libscript}"
$ rsync -az "${LIBSCRIPT_ROOT_DIR}" alpine321:/opt/repos/
$ # implicit test
$ ssh alpine321 '/opt/repos/libscript/_lib/_toolchain/jq/test.sh'
$ # explicit handwritten test
$ ssh alpine321 jq --version

Usage (Windows)

You can essentially follow same steps as above; for rsync use the Cygwin version. Alternatively copy files over using scp or whatever your preferred approach is.

PuTTy instructions are also available at https://github.com/SamuelMarks/libscript-docker-images


(guide coming soon)

NetBSD; FreeBSD; OpenBSD; SunOS / OpenSolaris / illumos; HP/UX; z/OS

(guide coming soon; hopefully I find an open-source alternative to Vagrant for this!)


Install Python on your host machine—e.g., using _lib/_toolchain/python/setup.sh—then follow the guide here to setup your Android and SDK https://github.com/jb2170/better-adb-sync finishing by running:

$ python -m pip install BetterADBSync
$ export LIBSCRIPT_ROOT_DIR="${LIBSCRIPT_ROOT_DIR:-/path/to/libscript}"
$ adbsync push --delete "${LIBSCRIPT_ROOT_DIR}" /sdcard/repos/

Then use termux to access that directory and execute commands. scrcpy is popular to remotely control the screen+keyboard, and escrcpy appears to allow remote execution of scripts (though remains to be tested & checked for security flaws).

Or alternatively the docs say you can edit your .ssh/config with:

Host sshelper
    Port 2222
    ProxyCommand adb-channel tcp:%p com.arachnoid.sshelper/.SSHelperActivity 1

(though SSHelper seems to be unmaintained and won’t work on new Android’s)


(guide coming soon)
